Priority 1 are a dedicated group of health and safety professionals.

Competent in undertaking all types of fire risk assessments, including fire door surveys and all aspects of testing and inspection.
Industry experts in the auditing of your organisations’ premises and working practices.
Constantly ensuring your health and safety management system is meeting the needs of your organisation and providing your clients with confidence that you are putting safety first.
The perfect partner to offer your organisation help with competent health and safety advice, either face to face or over the phone.
Auditing and assessment of residential and commercial properties, ensuring compliance with regulatory bodies and council requirements for landlords.
Experienced professionals able to create water system assessments and the associated management of such assessments thereafter.
Helping organisations protect individuals from the risks associated with the exposure to asbestos.
Providing clear and concise fire door surveys and reviews. This ensures fire doors are compliant and provide valuable time and protection in the event of a fire.
Priority 1 offers expert health and safety advice and annual inspections for outdoor play areas.
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Priority 1 is proud to be part of the Apeirogon Group